Residents' Corner
Announcements & Reminders
-updated 7/10/23-
** Do you know a neighbor or resident that may need some extra help? If we can’t help, perhaps we can find someone who can! Please feel free to ask Karen if you have any concerns about those residents living around you!
** Don’t forget to take advantage of our wonderful little community library located by the gazebo. Borrow a book or donate books that you have read and no longer need!
** Please remember that rent is due ON the first of each month and late on the sixth of each month ($25 late fee will be charged and due with the following month’s rent NO EXCEPTIONS).
** Please be mindful of the speed limit when driving through the park (15 mph).
Resident Directory
Please choose one of the following options to view the most current resident directory (revised October 2020).
Have a quick question or comment for Joel & Karen? Drop us a note using the form below and we'll get back to you!